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Automatic delivery is a free service provided to all credit approved customers. Based upon your normal usage history, Valley Energy will automatically schedule your delivery—with no phone calls required, no waiting and no hassle—on a keep full basis.
The preferred method of automatic delivery is a degree day based system where the company projects your daily usage based upon the local weather conditions and your individual usage and then schedules a delivery when your tank level reaches approximately 30% of capacity.
Another form of automatic delivery would be to schedule a periodic delivery once every “x” number of days based upon your typical usage.
A third method of automatic delivery is through the use of a Remote Tank Monitoring System that provides the periodic inventory of your tank via wireless communication. This method is ideal for the vacation home market, people who may travel extensively or those customers that have a highly irregular usage. When the tank volume reaches certain preset inventory levels, a warning notice is sent to our dispatch center to schedule a delivery. The use of the Remote Tank Monitoring System may require a nominal monthly fee for use of the equipment.
Under this method of delivery, you are responsible for monitoring the volume of product in your tank and calling Valley Energy to schedule a delivery a minimum of 5 days in advance of the desired delivery date. It is recommended that the request for delivery be made when the tank level reaches approximately 30% on the tank gauge. Failure of a customer to properly schedule a delivery may result in an emergency delivery or off route delivery that will incur additional charges and may require a leak check if the propane system runs out of gas and/or may require appliance restarts.